Quantum crypto
There are two kinds of quantum crypto claimed to exist.
Quantum entanglement
Physical methods of electromagnetic quantum entanglement are claimed [1] to make transmitted messages tamperproof “on the wire” of fiber-optic (or possibly copper wire or coaxial cable or microwave radio) and unrecoverable in the case of interception as that would cause a collapse of the wave function.
Post-quantum cryptography
Post-quantum cryptography involves classical ciphers or codes which are claimed to be resistant to attack even by quantum computers. Meanwhile the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem on which elliptic curve cryptography is based is claimed to be vulnerable to Shor’s algorithm on quantum computers, but this has not yet been effectively demonstrated beyond trivial cases of a very few “qubits” which have not been proven to be “entangled” in any non-classical capacity beyond a “simulated annealing” which may be likened to shaking puzzle pieces around until they fall into place.

Caveat emptor
Too much of anything “quantum” as such hearkens to “blood quantum,” as if a guy has a feather in his cap with all that white supremacy, wars that were fought with various American Indian tribes in the 1800s, and more recently fraudulent DNA labs running paternity, child support and rape kit scams.
Quantum computers have not broken any strong cryptography to date, nor do they show any real promise of doing so any time soon. There’s science fiction, time travel and even “closed timelike curves.” There are people who are not our friends, do not mind their own business, and do not want us doing crypto for our own privacy.
- ↑ Patented inventions.