Quintic point group operation

From Elliptic Curve Crypto
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Suppose we have a quintic curve in the form


Through any four points on a quintic curve in this form, an ordinary elliptic curve in the form

may be fitted, and this elliptic curve must intersect the quintic curve at a fifth point, uniquely determined.

The quincunx equations

If P, Q, R, S and T are the five points of intersection between the quintic curve and the fitted elliptic curve, permitting multiplicity, let


where O is the additional “point at infinity” considered to lie on the curve and serve as an identity for its additive point group operation.

Curve fittings through one point

Choose a point P and solve , , and by curve-fitting. Now , , , and .

Curve fittings through two points

Choosing points P and Q it is possible to solve for and by curve-fitting: and , if scalar division is permitted.

Goals and objectives

The goal is to reach the point from the point P alone, and to reach the point from the points P and Q if possible, and if so, by the shortest possible path of computation, i.e., using the least number of elliptic curve fittings.