Bad crypto

From Elliptic Curve Crypto

There’s bad crypto. The market is flooded with patent-encumbered proprietary snake oil and buggy free and open source implementations of weak ciphers.

There are also claims of strong cryptography being subject to gun control regulations in the U.S. as if the mere knowledge or information of it were a tangible good subject to import or export duties. Well, well, well. There are cops who ride horses and prisoners who make license plates.[1] The OpenBSD project links the Export Control List of Canada, has no problems with European pill-pushers, and does not invite U.S. help. That would more likely the be alcohol or controlled substances subject to export regulations, not their software as such. How much beer is drunk at “hackathons” if it isn’t the benzedrine or the fentanyl?

  1. Mathew J. Schwartz. “FBI Allegedly Planted OpenBSD Backdoor.” Dark Reading, December 15, 2010.